My Children


Coffee, Tired, Stretch Marks. Endless Trips To Parks.

12, 2, 4am, 6. Bottles, Boobs, Screaming, Kicks.

Hugging, Tears, Laughter, Smacks. Eye Bags, Clean Up, Cartoons, Snacks.

Sing-A-Longs, Silly Songs. Temper Tantrum, I’m-Never-Wrongs.

Make-Believe, Minnie Mouse. Boo-Boos, Diapers, Messy House.

Binkies, Bath time, Sanity? Spit Up, Me Time? Please God Please.

Back Ache, Chocolate Cake. Ok, I Get It, I’m AWAKE.

Cooking, Laundry, Change The Sheets. Nervous, Exhausted... Defeat.

There’s So Much Love In My Heart. But Oh My God, I’m In The Dark.

Dedicated to my two daughters whom I love more than life.

AND to all the moms (and dads) whose expectations may have been rose colored.