“Ducks In Order,” A Breakup With Control

See what had happened was… I had everything all planned out, per usual. I was attending a photo walk with a meet-up group, in Philly. All my ducks were in order. I left myself 40 minutes to find free parking. I brought snacks and water, and I charged my camera. My husband was taking the girls into school, great.

But, in the backdrop of my daily, the big universe had been attempting to softly send me a message: take it easy, enjoy the ride, relinquish a bit, go with the flow, have some patience, roll with the punches… as they say.

I wasn’t listening. So, what tends to happen is, the light whisper turns into a medium nudge, a hard push and finally, if really ignored, a direct slap in the face.

Anyway… that morning, our plumbing broke leaving us a toilet short; I did not find free parking, I found a $27 spot; I got to the group at 5 after, dripping sweat, the public bathroom was locked, my camera card went bust, I was given the wrong breakfast order, my bag gave me a blister, my ears got sunburnt and I ran out of agua… and then, at the end of the outing, I just could not remember where I parked.

Hungry, thirsty, pacing the streets up and down, after 4 hours of 90+ degree temps, doing a big-time pee dance, sent me into a bit of a tailspin. But, I caught it. The message. I’d been here before, conversing with the Big U. I was literally sweating the small stuff and I saw the pattern… thankfully before the slap. “Ok,” I said, “it’s time. Let’s breakup with Control.”

Hello Control, we meet again, you seem to be around a lot.

You’re hard to shake, the need for you, but helping me, you are not.

I’m sorry Control, I really did try. It’s not working out, and I think you know why.

Your charm has worn thin, and your promises weak. I’m tired of fixing the havoc you wreak.

You’re very persistent, your grip is too tight, there’s no room to breathe when things don’t go right.

True, when I’m with you my ducks form a row, but that leaves no room for going with Flow.

Flow is the space where I want to reside, along with my Grace, and Joy for the ride.

Yes it’s time to part ways, au revoir mon ami, I’ll send you a post card from my new joie de vie.


Pictures From The Photo Walk